We offer both brief psychological assessments for treatment planning, and comprehensive psychoeducational assessments for individuals age 6 to 21.
Worried, depressed, angry, anxious, or unable to complete things? (online-options available)
Brief psychological assessment (typical costs ranging from $1300 to $1500, offered via online appointments) consists of interviews and checklists to offer treatment plans and home/school strategies for the following queried conditions:
Anxiety disorders (Specific, Separation, Social, Panic, and Generalized Anxiety & Selective Mutism)
Traumatic stress disorders (PTSD, Acute Stress & Adjustment Disorders)
Behaviour problems or disorders (Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder)
Low marks in elementary or secondary school because of reading, writing, or math problems? Worried about getting the right learning support in college or university?
In addition to the above, psychoeducational assessments (typical costs ranging between $2800 to $3500, a combination of online and face-to-face appointments) also include academic, intellectual, and cognitive process tests to offer home & school strategies (& IEP / IPRC recommendations) for the following conditions:
Specific learning disabilities (Reading / Dyslexia, Writing / Dysgraphia, Mathematics / Dyscalculia)
Giftedness / high-aptitude
Intellectual / developmental disorders
We may be able to address other assessment questions, and please feel free to ask. We do not conduct assessments for court (including custody & access / parenting assessments) or assessments for ODSP. The results of most psychoeducational assessments completed with young children are not typically sufficient for Disability Tax Credit .
Payment for assessments is due after each appointment, and the feedback session / receiving the final report is postponed until all outstanding invoices have been settled. For seamless billing and payment, a credit card will be required. Payment with a credit card is optional (please arrange alternate plans with our administrative assistant). The card on file will be automatically billed if sessions are not paid within 7 days of the appointment.
Results of the Ontario Psychological Association 2022 Fee Survey report most psychologists charging $3000 for a diagnostic assessment, with 67% of Ontario psychologist charging between $2500 and $3400 per assessment. The 2024 review did not include this analysis, but parents tell us many clinicians charge $3000-$4000 for assessments. By using a team approach to assessment, we are able to provide timely assessments and control costs.